Traveling without destination Email |
Thanks for sending your comments, we do appreciate it. We read and consider every opinion and as some may have already notice, many of these comments have been implemented. We receive quite a bit of Emails, and sometimes more than we can answer and it is impossible for us to answer them all. We are sorry we are not able to thank every one that goes through the trouble of writing to us, but we assure you that your opinions will be reflected in Traveling without destination. Thanks. |
Mariano Jimenez II y Mariano G. Jiménez |
You may write to us at Mariano@Damisela.com |
Links exchange |
We will try to please all requests for links exchanges. It is not our intention to dedicate this site to that end only; nonetheless, we are very interested in providing our readers the option to consult similar sites with the up most efficiency and quickness. |
If you have a site with illustrations or text that can expand on what we present and you wish to go into a link exchange with us, we will be pleased to do so. Please remember that we do this for the benefit of our visitors and no other purpose, such as to improve the ranking in the search engines. |
Please let us know where we can find your link to Caminando sin rumbo or Traveling without destination. We will start setting links back to you from here and brother sites as we revise the pages which are related to yours. |